EuropeanMobilityWeek which is organized in many parts of the world to encourage cities and local authorities to support sustainable transportation options is celebrated between 16-22 September this year as every year!

*Image: MobilityWeek
It started to be organized for the first time in 2002 continues to be celebrated every year until today. During the week, it is aimed to develop public transportation systems and transportation plans, increase pedestrian and bicycle paths, and reduce motorized vehicle traffic.
Another important aim of the event is to raise awareness about the environmental impact of motor vehicles by encouraging citizens to travel by using multiple mobility vehicles instead of individual vehicles.
One of the most important days of the EuropeanMobilityWeek is the "Car Free Day", held on 22 September, the last day of the event. On this date, participating cities reserve some areas in the city for the only use of pedestrians and cyclists all day.
European Mobility week is celebrated every year within the scope of a different theme determined within the framework of sustainability, multiple mobility and sustainable mobility. This year's motto is "Mix&Move".
This year's theme encourages local authorities and cities to create synergies between individuals and institutions that offer to raise awareness of sustainable mobility and encourage behavior change towards active, clean mobility solutions. In this context, many events will be organized and sustainable urban mobility will be emphasized in urban transportation.
This year, 1,760 cities from 36 countries are participating in the event.
You can find out which events are held in your city as part of the European Mobility Week by clicking here.