T-DEB : Scenario-based Mobility Strategy
Management Platform
Project Aim
This project aims to create a scenario-based mobility strategy management platform in collaboration with Immense Simulations, a UK-based software company specializing in intelligent mobility. The platform will integrate advanced simulation technology to provide real-time decision support, enabling more efficient and effective management of traffic and mobility scenarios. The objectives of this initiative include enhancing the ability to respond to changing conditions, optimizing transportation strategies, and improving the overall efficiency of mobility solutions.
Parabol and Immense provide better understanding and insights of cities’ mobility patterns that help to make better decisions in traffic & mobility management. Parabol’s IoT based, interoperable traffic & mobility management platform, METIS, gathers all traffic-related data from different data sources (GPS, Bluetooth, loop detectors, sensors, cameras) and turns it into actionable insights and recommendations for local authorities, public and private enterprises along with citizens. Immense AI-powered, SaaS agent-based simulation platform enables advanced strategic and operational decision support to plan, implement and operate cost-effective and efficient mobility solutions. It provides to test alternative scenarios in predictive simulations.
The two companies will bring together their capabilities and expertise in traffic & mobility sector to provide a scenario-based strategy management platform which will enable the road authorities and cities to (1) test the different action scenarios and assess the impacts for both strategic and operational level management (2) apply fast and effective actions with an agile and interoperable structure according to the results of the scenario analyses.
Project Partners
Immense Simulations
Mobility Tags
#scenario-based mobility #Traffic Management